Efficient & Safe Manufacturing with Polished Concrete Floors

When it comes to manufacturing, efficiency and safety are more than priorities—they’re the foundation of success. From streamlining workflows to protecting workers, every aspect of an industrial facility’s operations should support these goals. But what if we told you that choosing the right flooring could give your facility a measurable advantage in both areas? That’s… Continue reading Efficient & Safe Manufacturing with Polished Concrete Floors

Outdoor Flooring Solution

Outdoor flooring solution for restaurants with dining outdoors. When it comes to dining outside, one of the biggest challenges is the after hours clean up. Restaurant staff is usually going through the motions to make sure everything within eyesight is clean and prepped for the next day. Often times things get swept off the table… Continue reading Outdoor Flooring Solution

Maintaining Polished Concrete

While on jobs every day, we meet with prospects looking to enhance their commercial and industrial concrete flooring and enjoy sharing the benefits of polished concrete flooring. We just realized that we have not spoken to one of the main benefits here in our blog. How easy maintaining polished concrete can be. Maintaining Polished Concrete As… Continue reading Maintaining Polished Concrete

Industrial Concrete Polishing

We all have unique and different work environments. And we know when it is clean and kept, production increases. This is true with Industrial concrete polishing. We love being a tool in the shed for manufacturers increase in safety and productivity through repairing and enhancing the work area concrete flooring where the rubber hits the… Continue reading Industrial Concrete Polishing

Audi Service Drive Gets A Detail | Commercial Concrete Refinishing

When it comes to commercial concrete refinishing, we all know we only get one first impression. So when the folks at Harper Audi in Knoxville took a step back and looked at their service drive, they discovered it was time for a detail. Dare we say a Day’s Creteworx Concrete Solution. This commercial concrete refinishing… Continue reading Audi Service Drive Gets A Detail | Commercial Concrete Refinishing