Efficient & Safe Manufacturing with Polished Concrete Floors

When it comes to manufacturing, efficiency and safety are more than priorities—they’re the foundation of success. From streamlining workflows to protecting workers, every aspect of an industrial facility’s operations should support these goals. But what if we told you that choosing the right flooring could give your facility a measurable advantage in both areas? That’s… Continue reading Efficient & Safe Manufacturing with Polished Concrete Floors

Polished Concrete Floors | A Game Changer for Warehouses

Polished Concrete Floors are a tool in the fast-paced world of warehousing and industrial manufacturing, providing efficiency and durability. Warehouse managers and industrial real estate owners are constantly seeking solutions that not only withstand the test of time but also enhance operational productivity. Polished concrete floors— are a flooring solution that checks all these boxes… Continue reading Polished Concrete Floors | A Game Changer for Warehouses

Polished Concrete Floors Has Benefits for Manufacturers

Flooring is an essential part of any manufacturing plant or industrial building. It needs to be durable, safe, and easy to maintain. Polished concrete floors are a popular choice for industrial and commercial buildings. With advancements in technology, concrete floors can now be polished to a glossy, mirror-like finish. In this blog post, we’ll explore… Continue reading Polished Concrete Floors Has Benefits for Manufacturers

Outdoor Flooring Solution

Outdoor flooring solution for restaurants with dining outdoors. When it comes to dining outside, one of the biggest challenges is the after hours clean up. Restaurant staff is usually going through the motions to make sure everything within eyesight is clean and prepped for the next day. Often times things get swept off the table… Continue reading Outdoor Flooring Solution

Polish An Airbnb

We’ve all seen them, some of us have stayed in them. We are speaking about an Airbnb property. We had the opportunity to polish an Airbnb. Say what? Yeah, last year we posted some pics of an Airbnb being updated, from the floors up. This included the Day’s Creteworx Team being a part of the… Continue reading Polish An Airbnb

Maintaining Polished Concrete

While on jobs every day, we meet with prospects looking to enhance their commercial and industrial concrete flooring and enjoy sharing the benefits of polished concrete flooring. We just realized that we have not spoken to one of the main benefits here in our blog. How easy maintaining polished concrete can be. Maintaining Polished Concrete As… Continue reading Maintaining Polished Concrete